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Posted by : LeonDelgado viernes, 11 de abril de 2014

Los dragones verdes de Danaan tienen muchos sirvientes bajo su mando, pero sus favoritos son los Saurians, tribus de hombres lagarto que son brutales guerreros al servicio de los dragones verdes.

En su invasion a Greystone los dragones verdes han traído un vasto ejercito de Saurians que han tomado por sorpresa a los hijos de Pendragon. En múltiples lugares la brutalidad de estos invasores se ha hecho evidente a medida que aplastan ciudades humanas y devoran a los humanos que captura.

Hoy en el blog veremos dos de los soldados que son frecuentes en estas fuerzas: los Arqueros Saurians y los Asesinos (slayers), brutales guerreros que cargan pesadas espadas a dos manos.

 Veremos dos versiones de cada uno: la versión de nivel bajo (valor de desafío 2) y la versión avanzada de estos guerreros veteranos (Valor de desafío 11)

Sauran Archer
Lizardfolk 2/ Fighter 1
CN        Medium            Humanoid (Reptilian)
Int: +4; Senses: Perception +5
CR: 2

DF: 25, Touch 18, Flat- footed 23 (+4 Dex, +5 natural, +2 armor, +4 Trained);
DR (from Armor): 1/-
CMD: 19
Hp: 22 (2d8+10+3)
Resistances: +0 against
For: +3, Ref: +7, Will: +3,

Melee: Long sword  +3 (1d8 +3/19-20), or bite +5 (1d4+4) and 2 claws +0 (1d4+1).
Ranged: Long bow +6 (1d8 +3/x3)
Base Atk: +2
CMB: +5
Attack Options: With the rapid shoot feat (a full attack action) +4/+4 Long bow (1d8 +2/x3)
Special Actions:
-Martial Talent (5 Points): At any moment of the day the Archer can choose to spend one or more of his points to improve in one to one basis an attack roll, to increase a damage roll (you must choose to spend those points before roll any dice) or to improve his Defence for 1 round. You cannot improve this in more than +1.
Hold Breath: A lizardfolk can hold its breath for a number of rounds equal to four times its Constitution score before it risks drowning.
Combat gear (use in combat): potion of cure light wounds

Str: 16 (+3), Dex: 18 (+4), Con: 14 (+2), Int: 8 (-1), Wis: 12 (+1), Cha: 10 (+0),
Feast: weapon Focus (Long bow), Point blank shot, rapid shot.
Trained Skills (LB +0): Acrobatics +8, Craft (Bowmaking) +4, Perception +5, Jump +7, Swim +7, Ride +8,
Lenguages: 1 Local lenguage.
Racial Traits (already applied): Lizardfolk have a +4 racial bonus on Balance, Jump, and Swim checks, Hold breath, +5 natural armor bonus, lizardfolk’s humanoid levels give it one feat
SQ: Destiny points 1.
Gear: Bone armor (+2 AB, DR 1/-), composite longbow (+3 Str) with 20 arrows, Maca (Long sword), sap, 5 arrows with Derkan Poison (DC 13, Unconsciousness for 2d4 hours).

Veteran Sauran Archer
Lizardfolk 2/ Fighter 10
CN        Medium            Humanoid (Reptilian)
Int: +4; Senses: Perception +10.
CR: 11

DF: 30, Touch 27, Flat- footed 25 (+5 Dex, +5 natural, +3 armor, +7 Trained);
DR (from Armor): 1/-
CMD: 28
Hp: 89 (2d8+9d10+10+3)
Resistances: -
For: +9, Ref: +11, Will: +4,

Melee: Long sword  +12/7/2 (1d8 +3/19-20), or bite +14 (1d4+4) and 2 claws +9 (1d4+1).
Ranged: Long bow +18/+13/+8 (1d8 +6/x3),
Base Atk: +11/6/1
CMB: +14
Attack Options: With the rapid shoot feat (a full attack action) +3/+3 Long bow (1d8 +2/x3)
Special Actions:
With Manyshot feat: 3 arrows to the same target +12 (1d8 +6/x3).
With the Rapid Shot feat: Long bow +16/+11/+6/+16 (1d8 +6/x3).
-Martial Talent (10 Points): At any moment of the day the Archer can choose to spend one or more of his points to improve in one to one basis an attack roll, to increase a damage roll (you must choose to spend those points before roll any dice) or to improve his Defence for 1 round. You cannot improve this in more than +1.
Hold Breath: A lizardfolk can hold its breath for a number of rounds equal to four times its Constitution score before it risks drowning.
Combat gear (use in combat): potion of cure light wounds (1d8+5), 2x Potions of Cure moderate wounds (2d8+10), Potion of Cat's Grace (+4 Dex; increasing DF in +2, Ranged attacks in +2).

Str: 16 (+3), Dex: 20 (+5), Con: 14 (+2), Int: 8 (-1), Wis: 12 (+1), Cha: 10 (+0),
Feast: weapon Focus (Long bow), Point blank shot, Rapid shot, Manyshot, Precise Shot, Improved Precise Shot, Weapon Specialization (Longbow), Greater Weapon Focus(Longbow).
Trained Skills (LB +5): Acrobatics +13, Craft (Bowmaking) +9, Perception +10, Jump +12, Swim +12, Ride +13,
Lenguages: 1 Local lenguage.
Racial Traits (already applied): Lizardfolk have a +4 racial bonus on Balance, Jump, and Swim checks, Hold breath, +5 natural armor bonus, lizardfolk’s humanoid levels give it one feat
SQ: Destiny points 2.
Class features: Weapon training +2 (Bows), Weapon training +1 (natural), Armor training.
Gear: 1x potion of cure light wounds, 2x Potions of Cure moderate wounds, 2x Potion of Cat's Grace, +1 Studded leather, +1 composite longbow (+3 Str) with 20 arrows, Maca (Long sword), sap, 5 arrows with Derkan Poison (DC 13, Unconsciousness for 2d4 hours).

Sauran Slayer
Lizardfolk 2/ Barbarian 1
CN          Medium                 Humanoid (Reptilian)
Int: +1;   Senses: Perception +0

Destiny Points: 3
DF: 22, Touch 14, Flat- footed 21 (+1 Dex, +5 natural, +3 training, +3 Armor);
DR (from Armor): 3/-
CMD: 17
Hp: 33 (2d8+12+12)
Resistances: -
For: +7, Ref: +4, Will: +0,

Melee: Greatsword  +9 (2d6 +7/19-20), or bite +7 (1d4+7) and 2 claws +2 (1d4+2).
Ranged: Shortbow +3 (1d6 /x3)
Base Atk: +2
CMB: +6
Special Actions:
Rage: +4 bonus Str, Con (+6 hp), +2 morale bonus on Will saves, –2 penalty to Defense.
Rage last 6 rounds. At the end of the rage –2 penalty to Strength, –2 penalty to Dexterity, can’t charge or run.
Hold Breath: A lizardfolk can hold its breath for a number of rounds equal to four times its Constitution score before it risks drowning.

Str: 20 (+5), Dex: 12 (+1), Con: 18 (+4), Int: 8 (-8), Wis: 10 (+0), Cha: 10 (+0),
Feast: weapon Focus (Greatsword), Power attack.
Trained Skills (LB +0): Acrobatics +8, Craft (Bowmaking) +4, Perception +5, Jump +7, Swim +7, Ride +8,
Lenguages: 1 Local lenguage.
Racial Traits (already applied): Lizardfolk have a +4 racial bonus on Balance, Jump, and Swim checks, Hold breath, +5 natural armor bonus, lizardfolk’s humanoid levels give it one feat
SQ: Destiny points 1.
Class abilities: Fast movement, illiteracy, rage 1/day.
Gear: Bone Breasplate*, Greatsword, shortbow with 20 arrows, Backpack, waterskin, sacret idol (1 gp), 27 gp.
*Armor and shield made by the character using craft skill, this reduce the cost to 1/3. 

Veteran Sauran Slayer
Lizardfolk 2/ Barbarian 10
CN          Medium                 Humanoid (Reptilian)
Int: +1;   Senses: Perception +0

Destiny Points: 3
DF: 21, Touch 13, Flat- footed 20 (+1 Dex, +5 natural, +6 training, +4 Armor);
DR (from Armor): 5/- (armor+class)
CMD: 27
Hp: 127 (2d8+9d12+12+48)
Resistances: -
For: +11, Ref: +7, Will: +3,

Melee: Greatsword  +18/+13/+8 (2d6 +8/19-20), or bite +16 (1d6+7) and 2 claws +11 (1d4+2).  
Ranged: Shortbow +12 (1d6 /x3)
Base Atk: +11/+6/+1
CMB: +16
Special Actions:
Rage: +4 bonus Str, Con (+24 hp, +2 For), +2 morale bonus on Will saves, –2 penalty to Defense. Rage last 6 rounds. At the end of the rage –2 penalty to Strength, –2 penalty to Dexterity, can’t charge or run.
Hold Breath: A lizardfolk can hold its breath for a number of rounds equal to four times its Constitution score before it risks drowning.

Str: 22 (+5), Dex: 12 (+1), Con: 18 (+4), Int: 8 (-8), Wis: 10 (+0), Cha: 10 (+0),
Feast: weapon Focus (Greatsword), Power attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved natural weapon (Bite).
Trained Skills (LB +0): Acrobatics +8, Craft (Bowmaking) +4, Perception +5, Jump +7, Swim +7, Ride +8,
Lenguages: 1 Local lenguage.
Racial Traits (already applied): Lizardfolk have a +4 racial bonus on Balance, Jump, and Swim checks, Hold breath, +5 natural armor bonus, lizardfolk’s humanoid levels give it one feat
SQ: Destiny points 2.
Class abilities: Fast movement, illiteracy, Uncanny dodge, Trap sense +3, Improved uncanny dodge, Damage reduction 2/—, Rage power (Animal Fury, Guarded Stance +1 dodge 6/rounds, Powerful Blow +2, Mighty Swing),  rage 3/day.
Gear: +1 Bone Breasplate*, +1 Greatsword, shortbow with 20 arrows, Backpack, waterskin, sacret idol (1 gp), 27 gp.
*Armor and shield made by the character using craft skill, this reduce the cost to 1/3. 

{ 1 comentarios... read them below or add one }

  1. WoW Looking version hehe



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