Archive for 2019
Farae Istmelion, the shadow of the moon
By : LeonDelgado
She was at
first fascinated with Oak, as he was easy to learn the ways of the Druids, but
she soon learned that because of her household low position she was expedted to
never reach the same places than his childhood friend, and she decided to prove
all that she could not bear true power but also that she will bring justice and
balance to Aldaras.
She left her
town, and wondered by herself for some years until she found Almawt, the person
that will become her mentor, and soon Farae become a Necromancer.
With her is
always her skeletal minion, Theodred, a elf warrior that was always following
her as his love was true, and when he tried to stop her in become a true
necromancer Farae got bored of him and reduce him to bones.
Now, she is
working with the Demon prince of Undead, and accumulating power so she can
bring to Aldaras the same lesson Theodred learned, and in the process bring
balance to all…
CR 15
Wizard (Necromancer) 15
NG Medium
Humanoid (Human)
Init: +7; Senses: Perception
+5 (+8 in shadows)
DEF: 17, Touch 14, Flat- footed 14 (+1
training, +3 dex, +3 natural armor)
CMD: 21
Hp: 54 (15d4+1 FC) or 69 with False life.
Fort: +12, Ref: +12, Will: +14,
Destiny Points: 3
Defensive Abilities: The spells Shield and Mage armor
raise his defence up to 23, Touch 16, Flat- footed 20
Speed: 30
Melee: Elvensword +7/+2 (2d4; x2)
Ranged: Elvenbow +10/+5 (1d10; x3),
ranged touch attack +10.
Base Atk: +7/+2
CMB: +7
Attack Options: +1 to any ranged attack make
at 30 ft or less.
Special Actions: With time cast Shield and Mage
armor (in that Order) improving his DF in +8.
Combat gear (use in combat): potions of cure
serious wounds (3), scroll of iron body, scroll
of spell turning, scroll of wall of force, wand
of inflict moderate wounds (20 charges);
Spells Known/ Prepared (Int +8; MP 166; Caster level 15/16):
8th (15 MP,
DC 26)— Clone, create greater undead, horrid wilting (DC
28), mind blank
7th (13 MP, DC 25)— Control Undead (DC 27), ethereal jaunt, finger of death (DC 27), spell turning, waves of exhaustion
6th (11 MP, DC 24)—— Undeath to Death, chain lightning, create undead, disintegrate, eyebite (DC 26),
5th (9 MP, DC 23)—cloudkill, teleport, wall of force, waves of fatigue
4th (7 MP, DC 22)—animate dead, arcane eye, bestow curse (2, DC 24), dimension door, fire shield, maximized ray of enfeeblement, Greater Dark Orb (3d8+15, DC 24),
3rd (5 MP, DC 21)—blink, dispel magic, fireball, fly, vampiric touch, Dark Orb (2d8+10, DC 23),
2nd (3 MP, DC 20)—blindness/deafness (DC 22), darkvision, false life, glitterdust (DC 22), resist energy, scorching ray, see invisibility, Lesser Dark Orb (1d8+5, DC 22),
1st (1 MP, DC 19)—cause fear (DC 21), expeditious retreat, feather fall, grease, mage armor, magic missile, obscuring mist, Barrier
0th (at will, DC 18)—Touch of fatigue (DC 20), detect magic, mage hand, read magic, Magic missile (2d4+1), Ray of Frost (3d4+3),
7th (13 MP, DC 25)— Control Undead (DC 27), ethereal jaunt, finger of death (DC 27), spell turning, waves of exhaustion
6th (11 MP, DC 24)—— Undeath to Death, chain lightning, create undead, disintegrate, eyebite (DC 26),
5th (9 MP, DC 23)—cloudkill, teleport, wall of force, waves of fatigue
4th (7 MP, DC 22)—animate dead, arcane eye, bestow curse (2, DC 24), dimension door, fire shield, maximized ray of enfeeblement, Greater Dark Orb (3d8+15, DC 24),
3rd (5 MP, DC 21)—blink, dispel magic, fireball, fly, vampiric touch, Dark Orb (2d8+10, DC 23),
2nd (3 MP, DC 20)—blindness/deafness (DC 22), darkvision, false life, glitterdust (DC 22), resist energy, scorching ray, see invisibility, Lesser Dark Orb (1d8+5, DC 22),
1st (1 MP, DC 19)—cause fear (DC 21), expeditious retreat, feather fall, grease, mage armor, magic missile, obscuring mist, Barrier
0th (at will, DC 18)—Touch of fatigue (DC 20), detect magic, mage hand, read magic, Magic missile (2d4+1), Ray of Frost (3d4+3),
Abilities Str
10 (+0), Dex 16 (+3), Con 16/12 (+3), Int 26/20 (+8), Wis 12(+1), Cha 12 (+1)
Atk Bonus: +7
SQ: Skeletal Minion.
Traits (already applied):
Feats: scribe Scroll*, Improve
initiative, Point blank shot, Spell Focus (Necromancy), Quickspell (+7 MP),
Empower spell (+3 MP), corpse crafter, necromantic presence (+ 4 turn
resistance), necromantic might (+ 2 attacks and saves).
Trained Skills (level Bonus +7): Acrobatics +12, Arcana +20,
Concentration +14, Local (Sethra) +20, Local (Spirit world) +20, Planes +20,
Perception +11, Diplomacy +11, Use Magic devise +13.
Combat Gear: potions of cure
serious wounds (3), scroll of iron body, scroll
of spell turning, scroll of wall of force, wand
of inflict moderate wounds (20 charges); Other Gear: +2 silver Elvensword, amulet of natural
armor +3, belt of mighty constitution +4, clear spindle
ioun stone (no need food to live), cloak of resistance +4, dusty
rose prism ioun stone (+1 DF insight), headband of vast
intelligence +6, restorative ointment, ring of major (20) energy
resistance (cold), ring of protection +4, onyx gems (worth 2,000 gp),
spellbook, 8,973 gp
Sylvari Fighter 15
CN Medium Undead
Int: +11; Senses: Perception +7, darkvision 60 ft .
DF: 33, Touch 17, Flat- footed 26 (+7 Dex, +5 armor, +9
natural, +2 heavy Mithryll shield);
DR (from Armor): 2/-
CMD: 34
Hp: 103 (15D12)
Resistances: Damage reduction 5/bludgeoning, immunity
to cold, undead traits
For: +5, Ref: +5, Will: +9,
Melee: Scimitar +17 melee (1d6+6/18–20) or
2 claws +17 melee (1d4+1)
Ranged: Composite Elvenbow +18 (1d10+7 /x3)
Base Atk: +11
CMB: +17
Special Actions: -
Str: 23 (+6), Dex: 25 (+7), Con: -, Int: - , Wis :
10 (+0), Cha: 1,
Feast: Improve initiative.
Trained Skills (LB +7): -.
Lenguages: -
Racial Traits (already applied): -.
SQ: Damage reduction 5/bludgeoning, darkvision 60 ft ., immunity to cold,
undead traits.
Gear: +2 Mithryll Breasplate, heavy Mithryll shield, Scimitar, Elvenbow with 20
Preview of the next Rules: Storing Magic points
By : LeonDelgado
Currently Im working on the next
version of the Rules of Arcadia. For this some clarifications will come with
new exiting magic items.
Using Stored Magic Points
(New rule)
A variety of magic items exist to
store magic points for later use, in particular a storage device called an
Arcanum crystal. Regardless of what sort of item stores the magic points, all spellcaster
characters must follow strict rules when tapping stored power points.
A Single
When using magic points from a
storage item to cast an spell, a spellcaster character may not pay the spell’s
cost with magic points from more than one source. He must either use an item,
his own magic point reserve, or some other discrete magic point source to pay
the casting cost.
Most magic point storage devices
allow spell caster characters to “recharge” the item with their own magic points.
Doing this depletes the character’s magic point reserve on a 1-for-1 basis as
if he had cast an spell; however, those magic points remain indefinitely
stored. The opposite is not true—spell caster characters may not use magic points
stored in a storage item to replenish their own magic point reserves.
New items: Aether potions
Magic potions are now called Aether potions, and came in 3 flavors.
or Oil
Aether Potion (2 MP)
50 gp
Aether Potion (4 MP)
300 gp
Greater Aether potion(6 MP)
600 gp
Arcanum crystals
crystals store magic points that spellcaster characters can use to pay for casting
their spells.
Description: An Arcanum crystal consists of a core crystal encased in a silver
container with rune engravings. The crystals give off a faint glow. A typical Arcanum
crystal weighs approximately 1
pound , has Def 7, 10 hit points, a hardness of 8, and a
break DC of 16.
Activation: The user must merely hold
or have a crystal on her person for a period of at least 10 minutes (which is
long enough to attune oneself to the crystal). Thereafter, the owner can use the
magic points stored in the crystal to cast spells she knows.
The maximum number of points an Arcanum
crystal can store is always an odd number and is never more than 17. It can
store only as many magic points as its original maximum, set at the time of its
creation. When an Arcanum crystal’s magic points are used up, the glow of the
crystal dims. However, the user can recharge it by paying magic points on a
1-for-1 basis. While doing this depletes the user’s own magic point reserve for
the day, those magic points remain available in the Arcanum crystal until used.
user cannot directly replenish her personal magic points from those stored in an
Arcanum crystal, nor can she draw magic points from more than one source to cast
an spell. See Using stored magic points for more information.
Magic Point Storage
to strong Alteration; ML equal to maximum magic point storage; Craft Arcanum
Crystal; Weight 1 lb .
NPC Spotlight: CrawLey SilverCoin
By : LeonDelgado
Tengu Rogue
CN Medium Humanoid
Int: +4; Senses: Perception +6, Low-light vision
DF: 21, Touch 18, Flat- footed 17 (+4
DR (from Armor): 2/-
CMD: 18
Hp: 23 (3D8+3+3)
Resistances: -
For: +2, Ref: +8, Will: +3,
Melee: Masterwork Long sword +4 (1d8 +1/19-20), Claws +3 (1d3+1/x2)
Ranged: +1 Composite Long bow +9 (1d8 +2/x3)
Base Atk: +3
CMB: +4
Attack Options: Sneak attack +2d6
Special Actions:
Great Ally (Ex): Tengus work
exceptionally well with their allies. When successfully aided on a skill check
or attack roll by an ally, or when aiding another, a kenku applies or gains a
+3 bonus on its check or attack roll (instead of the normal +2 bonus).
Furthermore, a kenku gains a +4 bonus on attack rolls against an opponent flanked
by an ally (instead of the normal +2 bonus).
Mimicry (Ex): A Tengu can perfectly
mimic familiar sounds, voices, and accents. This ability does not enable the
kenku to speak languages it can’t normally speak. To duplicate a specific individual’s
voice, a kenku makes a Bluff check; a listener familiar with the voice being
imitated must succeed on an opposed Sense Motive check to discern that the
voice isn’t genuine.
Combat gear (use in combat): x1 Potion of Cure light wounds, x2
Potion of Cure moderate wounds, x1 Potion of Cats grace
Str: 12 (+1), Dex: 18 (+4), Con: 12
(+1), Int: 11 (+0), Wis :
14 (+2), Cha: 15 (+2),
Feast: weapon Focus (Long bow), Point
blank shot.
Trained Skills (LB +2): Bluff +8, Disable Devise +6, Perception
+6, Search +6, Sense Motive +8, Steath +12, Intimidate +8, Knowledge (Sethra) +6, Use Magical Devise +8.
Lenguages: 1 Local lenguage.
Racial Traits (already applied): Great
Ally, Mimicry, +2 racial bonus on Stealth, Low-light vision.
SQ: Destiny points 1, Uncanny Dodge,
Trap Sense +1, Sneak attack +2d6, Evasion, trap finding, black marked
conections (RT), Detect magic 3/day (RT).
Gear: Masterwork
chain Shirt, buckler, +1 composite longbow (+1 Str) with 20 arrows, Masterwork
Long sword, sap, x1 Potion of Cure light wounds,
x2 Potion of Cure moderate wounds, x1 Potion of Cats grace, thieft tools,
backpack, bag of holding II, shovel, silk rope, 2x Silver Daggers.
Not much is know about the
past of this Tengu. The only information that CrawLey (if that is his real
name) has ever reveal to his past employers is that he is from the land of Ryukan . Sometimes when he is really
drunk (he loves Mastika, as he refers that remembers him the Sake), he tells
crazy stories of a land ruled by dragons, and a place called Akumuren, but that
is all that is know about him (yet).
He loves to get gold, and
works in many occasions as mercenary for adventures that are looking for
treasures. He dislike dragons and half dragons, for some reason.
Katapesh, the Golden City (Legacy of Fire campaing)
By : LeonDelgado
North of Sethra, close to the border with the Dite empire,
sprawling across a valley of blazing-hot sand, is one of the most incredible
and wondrous cities in all of Arcadia: the great desert metropolis of Katapesh.
Within its sandstone walls, anything one wishes can be bought, sold, or traded—for
the right price. Katapesh is a city of organized chaos where cash is king and
commerce is the highest god.
Through all of the trials and tribulations Katapesh has
weathered, from its beginnings as the “Golden City” to the bustling metropolis of
today, it has retained its mercantile importance no matter who or what has
occupied it. Some believe that it is Katapesh’s divine purpose to one day
become the greatest center of commerce in all of Arcadia .
The city holds more than 200,000 souls, and each one wants
to sell you something. At first glance it appears there are more businesses
than residences in Katapesh, because so many merchants sleep in their shops, as
they are there most hours of the day anyway, and it provides a deterrent to
Thievery isn’t as big a problem as one might expect in Katapesh.
Crammed full of stores, stalls, tents, warehouses, hawkers, and purchasers as
it is, the teeming city seems a thieves’ paradise. The edicts of the
Pactmasters, however, make it clear that anyone interfering with trade in the
city faces death—or worse. While the occasional petty theft is to be expected,
organized or chronic crime threatens to disrupt a merchant’s everyday business.
The Pactmasters come down hard on those who endanger the city’s economy (sometimes
using constructs powered by the souls of slaves, called aluum, when necessary),
and ignore everyone else.
While the Pactmasters maintain control over the city, day-to-day
business and governance is left to Pactbroker Hashim ibn Sayyid. Ibn Sayyid has a reputation for upholding the
Pactmasters’ judgments and enacting their laws, whatever his personal feelings.
Some suspect ibn Sayyid has a personal agenda that will someday come to light,
but for now he enjoys a stable and respected position. Ibn Sayyid also presides
over the merchant council, which makes decisions about Katapesh’s trade
policies and ensures the market remains free. In practice, the merchant council
rarely interferes in citizens’ daily lives; their attitude is laissez-faire, if
not downright apathetic. The Nightstalls garner the most attention in Katapesh.
The bazaars there sell items that are more than unusual— they’re immoral,
addictive, or ephemeral. The Nightstalls is where one can buy a dragon’s
tongue, feathers from a couatl’s wing, drugs and poisons of all kinds, or a
devil’s regret.
Crime and Punishment in Katapesh
considering breaking any of the laws of Katapesh, one should be familiar with
the penalties. Of course, with the right attitude and a handful of coins, the
Zephyr Guard may just let the offending party off with a warning.
Murder of guild member, Zephyr Guard,
or government official: Execution
Murder of unaffiliated person: 6 months imprisonment, 100 gp fine,
and official warning
Assault of guild member, Zephyr
Guard, or government official: 1 year imprisonment
Assault of unaffiliated person: 1 gp
Destruction of Property: Fine equal to the value of the property,
or slavery (time varies)
Tax Evasion: Fine equal to the unpaid taxes and 6
months imprisonment
Theft: Loss of a hand, branding, and 25 gp
fine, or death (second offense)
Unsanctioned sale prices: Fine equal to the value of the item,
official warning, and/or loss of guild membership
Disorderly conduct: 5 gp
Recent rumors of Katapesh
- During a
clear and cold night, many people witnessed a star falling from the
sky and landing in the nearby desert.
- The nearby
tombs of the city have been looted by Grave Robbers. Family members
of the deceased are asking for help to stop them.
- The water
in a well in the slum district have turned blood red.
- The people
of the northern mountains have been peaceful towards the caravan traders for a
long time. Recently however, they have blocked the mountain pass. Now the
traders have to travel through new and dangerous parts of the wastelands to
find a new route to the west.
- Some
children and young boys had gone missing in the slums, close to the old house
of a fallen merchant.
- Some claim
that a new group of criminals (theft and assassins) are forming under the old
tunnels below the city, and their leader is called "the red cloak".
New Class: Sha'ir
By : LeonDelgado
legendary sha’irs were tale-spinners and advisors to desert chieftains. They
were imbued with great wisdom, and boasted the power to communicate with the
desert’s awesome spirits, the genies. But in the resent ages the sha’ir become
powerful adventures and explores that serve to no one except themselves.
of the sha’ir class are often found alone, as free agents, unfettered by social
requirement and position. They may be found in the city as well as the desert,
commanding great power from their dealings with genies. Instead of merely
advising rulers, they may be rulers.
Adventures: Sha’ir
are legendary figures – free agents, unfettered by social requirement and
position they live as theywish. Sha’irs are not at all common in the Land of Fate . These rare and mysterious figures
make their own way in life, a luxury afforded to few.
Good Sha’ir seek to use their gifts to the
betterment of the common folk and deal with the fickle wishes of the genies
whom they summon. Evil Sha’ir are as a desert sand storm. They enslave genies
and pursue their own selfish interests – no matter the cost.
Sha’irs are a precious commodity in the Land of Fate . Their power over genies is
particularly useful in the Land
of Fate . Indeed, even
inexperienced Sha’ir often find themselves sought by powerful merchants and
Characteristics: Sha’irs are unique and mysterious figures in the Land of Fate .
Unlike traditional Zakharan spellcasters, their spells do not come from as a
result of years of study. Sha’irs acquire their magicks and enchantments
through the workings of genies.
Accomplished sha’irs have genies at their
very command, and they alone possess the secrets of geniekind. Sha’irs draw
their magicks from the planes themselves, unburdened by such concepts as
provinces and piety.
Religion: Sha’irs are ever wary and watchful of the Gods. Like all Sethrarans
sha’irs accept the existence and superiority of the great gods. Unlike their
fellow Sethrarans, however, sha’ir rarely choose to actively venerate any
particular god. Their dealings with their genie and gen occupy most of their
time and the little contact they do have with the church is almost always
negative. Sha’ir’s free use of divine magic garners them no favor from the
servants of the Gods.
Background: Many Sha’ir are drawn to the art as a result of some past encounter with
genies, drawn to the power and allure that the genies wield. Sha’irs can (and
do) teach their art, and some Sha’ir seek out powerful Sha’ir for guidance and
instruction in the art. Sha’ir take apprentices much less frequently then other
spellcasters, but once basic instruction is completed the Sha’ir requires
little more; they perfect their art as they wish, each to his own.
Races: The
will to command the genies and their kind springs forth in the hearts of nearly
all the enlightened races. The ogre and the half-elf are just as likely to
become sha’irs as humans. The one exception to this is dwarves, who often
resist the allure of the sha’irs power. Although as accomplished at the
profession as any of another race, their natural distaste for the arcane arts
keeps them from embracing the teachings of Jafar al-Samal, first of the sha’ir.
Sha'ir have the following game statistics.
Abilities: Charisma determines how quickly a sha’irs gen can find a spell, the
chance of the gen locating the spell, and how hard the spell is to resist. The
Difficulty Class of a saving throw against a sha’ir’s spell is 10 + the spell’s
level + the sha’ir charisma modifier. Charisma, Intelligence, and Wisdom are
important for many of the sha’irs class skills.
Alignment: Any (though it must share at least one aspect of the gen familiar’s
Vitality Die: d4.
Sha'ir have the following game statistics.
Abilities: Charisma determines how quickly a sha’irs gen can find a spell, the
chance of the gen locating the spell, and how hard the spell is to resist. The
Difficulty Class of a saving throw against a sha’ir’s spell is 10 + the spell’s
level + the sha’ir charisma modifier. Charisma, Intelligence, and Wisdom are
important for many of the sha’irs class skills.
Alignment: Any (though it must share at least one aspect of the gen familiar’s
Hit Dice: d4.
A 1st level Sha'ir
character get 2 bonus skills from the following list of Class Skills [General] Concentration
(Con), Craft (Int), Heal (Wis), Diplomacy (Cha), [Profession] Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int),
Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int). See the Book of Legends Chapter 6: Skills
for skill descriptions.
Skills at 1st Level: 5 + Int modifier.
Table X-X:
the sha'ir
Base Attack
Ref Save
Will Save
Spell Level Known
Summon Gen familiar
Recognize genie works
Elemental protection
Call Genie 1/day
Elemental travel (1/day)
Greater Call
genie (any genie) 2/day
Craft genie prison
travel (2/day), Call Genie 3/day
travel (at will)
Call Genie 4/day
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the sha'ir.
Bonus to Defense:
The Hakima gets a Basic Training to
his defense.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Sha'irs
are proficient with all simple weapons, but not with any type of armor or
shield. Armor of any type interferes with a sha'ir's arcane gestures, which can
cause his spells with somatic components to fail.
Spells: A sha'ir's spells must be retrieved
from the elemental planes by his familiar, an Spirit called a gen. Once
retrieved, a spell remains set in the sha'ir's memory, like a Cleric's prepared
spell, until a day is past (28 hours). A sha'ir is capable of extraordinarily
versatile spellcasting because he can use arcane spells as well as a limited
selection of divine spells. A sha'ir's familiar can retrieve any spell on the
sorcerer/ wizard spell list, plus any spell from the Air, Chaos, Earth, Fire,
Knowledge, Law, Luck, Sun, and Water domain spell lists. Even though the sha'ir
has access to certain
domain spells, he gains no other benefit of the cleric class, including the
granted powers of those domains.
To learn or cast a spell, a sha'ir must have a Charisma score equal to
at least 10 + the spell level.
The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a sha'ir's spell is 10 +
spell level + the sha'ir's Cha modifier.
To cast a
spell a sha'ir need to select the spell from
his prepare spells and pay the MP cost appropriated for the spell level; this
cost is described in the chapter 10:
magic if the Book of Heroes.
Casting Limit: When you cast a spell you spend MP,
the maximum number of MP that you can spend in a single spell (including
metamagic feats, see chapter 5: feats of
the Book of Legends) is equal to your caster level +1.
Points/Day: A sha'ir’s
ability to cast spells is limited by the Magic points he has available. His
base daily allotment of Magic points is given on Table X-X: The sha'ir. In
addition, he receives bonus Magic points per day if he has a high Charisma
score (see chapter 2 of the Book of Legends). His race may also provide bonus
spell points per day, as may certain feats and items.
After a good
night’s sleep a sha'ir regain his spend magic
Spells: Sha'ir’s do not
acquire their spells from books or scrolls, nor prepare them through study. A sha'ir decides what spell might be useful and sends out
his familiar to retrieve it from the spirit world. To do this, the sha'ir must
summon his gen and tell it the name of the spell he seeks. The gen immediately
plane shifts to seek the spell in the spirit world. After one hour the gen
reappears within 5 feet
of its master and imparts to him the power to cast the spell.
The Gen can
bestow the power of cast 4 spells of each spell level that the sha'ir can cast to his master, those spells are
selected from the sorcerer/ wizard spell list, plus
any spell from the Air, Chaos, Earth, Fire, Knowledge, Law, Luck, Sun, and
Water domain spell lists.
So a 1st
level Sha'ir can cast four 0 level Sha'ir spells and four 1st level Sha'ir spells, meanwhile a 20 level Sha'ir know 4 spells of each spell level (from 0 to
9th). When a Sha'ir can cast a new level of
spells he can ask his Gen for 4 new spells of that level automatically.
Each day the
Sha'ir can change the list of Spells that his Gen
retrieve from the spirit world, let it him to have a vast option of spells. A Sha'ir can only sent his Gen once at day to the Spirit
Feats: A sha'ir may use metamagic feats he possesses to
modify the spells his gen fetches. The gen simply fetches the spell with the
metamagic feats applied. Unlike the sorcerer, the sha'ir does not need to take
a full-round action to cast such spells.
Languages: A sha'ir may substitute Aquan, Auran, Ignan, or
Terran for any of the bonus languages available to his race. Sha'irs are
expected to have a great deal of contact with elemental entities, and
apprentice sha'irs often study the languages that such creatures speak.
Summon Gen
Familiar: A sha'ir must obtain a gen familiar (see Gen
Familiars) at 1st level. A gen familiar is an intelligent outsider that
resembles a small elemental. The creature serves as a companion and servant to
the sha'ir. The sha'ir may choose the elemental type of the gen he summons, and
its alignment matches his own. The summoning takes 12 hours and consumes raw
materials that cost 100 gp.
A gen can retrieve spells for the sha'ir, as indicated
above. As the sha'ir advances in level, the gen increases in power similar to
the manner that a normal familiar gains power. A gen advances as a normal
familiar, gaining all the normal benefits described in the
Familiars section on page 52 of the Player's Handbook,
except that its Intelligence does not increase and it can speak the languages
noted in the gen's description (see below). It retains the outsider type.
If a gen familiar dies or is dismissed by the sha'ir,
the sha'ir must attempt a DC 15 Fortitude saving throw. Failure means he loses
200 experience points per sha'ir level; success reduces the loss to one-half
that amount. However, a sha'ir's experience point total can never go below 0 as
the result of a gen's demise or dismissal. A slain or dismissed gen can be
replaced the following day, but since it is an outsider, it cannot be raised
from the dead.
A sha'ir with more than one class that grants a
familiar may have only one familiar at a time.
Genie Works: At 3rd level, a sha'ir can recognize the
craftsmanship of any item or magical effect created by geniekind (Identify
invisible, disguised, or polymorphed genies, recognize items created by genies).
To use this ability, the sha'ir must make a successful DC 20 Knowledge (the
planes) check. The sha'ir receives a bonus on this check equal to his sha'ir
Protection: At 5th level, a sha'ir gains resistance to acid 5,
cold 5, electricity 5, and fire 5. He also gains damage reduction 2/— against
attacks made by any creature with the air, earth, fire, or water subtype.
The resistance increases to 10 against the energy type
to which his gen is immune (see below), and the damage reduction increases to
4/— against attacks made by creatures of his gen's elemental subtype. He also
gains a +2 bonus on all saves against acid-, cold-, electricity-, and
fire-based attacks, and this bonus increases to +4 against attacks that deal
the energy damage to which his gen is immune.
Call Genie (Sp): A 7th-level
or higher sha'ir may call a Gennie to aid her. She has two options, the first
is call a Djinni or up to two jannis to aid her once per day in combat during a
short period of time, this function as summon monster IV spell.
The second option is that
the Sha'ir can ask for a longer and more complex favor
from the Djinni or a Janni, this
functions as the lesser planar ally spell except that the Sha'ir can only call a Djinni or
a janni. The sha'ir must pay the spell's XP cost and
bargain with the Djinni or janni as normal. Caster level is equal to the sha'ir's
class level.
Elemental Travel (Sp): At 9th level, a
sha'ir can plane shift
once per day, as the spell, to the spirit
world or from it to the Material Plane. At 15th level, the sha'ir may use this ability twice per day, and at 18th level, the
sha'ir may use this ability at will. Caster level is equal to the sha'ir's
class level.
Greater Call Genie (Sp): An 11th-level or higher sha'ir may call any
type of genie to aid him twice per day. This functions
as the planar ally spell except that the Sha'ir can only call one
dao (see the Manual of the Planes), djinni,
efreeti, or marid (see
the Manual of the Planes), or two jann. The sha'ir must pay the spell's XP cost and bargain with the genie or jann
as normal. Caster level is equal to the sha'ir's class level.
When you use your Call gennie ability you are
considered to have the Augment
Summoning feat for this summoning alone. At Level 15th you can use this ability
3 times per day and finally 4 times at level 20th.
Elemental Travel (Sp): At 9th level, a
sha'ir can plane shift
once per day, as the spell, to the spirit
world or from it to the Material Plane. At 15th level, the sha'ir may use this ability twice per day, and at 18th level, the
sha'ir may use this ability at will. Caster level is equal to the sha'ir's
class level.
Craft Genie Prison (Ex): At 13th level, a
sha'ir gains the benefit of
the Craft Wondrous Item feat, except that he can use
it only to create genie prisons. A genie prison is
created in die same way
as an iron flask and functions identically to that
device, except that it
can hold only geniekind.
A gen is an Spirit similar to a genie, but much
smaller and far less powerful. Like genies, gens are native to the various
elemental planes.
All gens have certain traits in common. They prefer to
avoid combat, a task that is easy for them since they can travel to the
elemental planes at will and survive equally well in any of them.
Endurance (Ex): A gen can survive on the Spirit world regions
of elements like a native. On the Elemental region of Fire, a gen is immune to
fire damage. On the Elemental region of Water, a gen can breathe water and has
a swim speed equal to its fly speed (gaining the normal +8 racial bonus on Swim
checks). On the Elemental region of Earth, a gen has a burrow speed equal to
its land speed, leaving no tunnel or sign of its passage as though it has the
earth glide ability of a xorn (see the Monster Manual).
Travel (Sp): A gen can plane shift at will to any of the
Elemental Planes or from any elemental plane to the Material Plane. This
ability transports the gen only. It is otherwise identical to the plane shift spell
(caster level 13th).
Fetch Spells
(Ex): A gen can find and deliver spells to a sha'ir from
the elemental planes. See the sha'ir description.
Tiny Outsider (Air, Spirit, Extraplanar)
HP: 5 hp (1d8+1)
Speed: 20 ft . (4 squares), fly 70 ft . (perfect)
15 (+2 size, +2 Dex, +1 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 13
Base Attack:
CMD/ CMB: 13/
Slam +5 melee (1d2 plus 1 electric)
Full Attack: 2
slams +5 melee (1d2 plus 1 electric)
2-1/2 ft./0 ft.
Attacks: —
Qualities: Air mastery, darkvision 60 ft ., elemental endurance,
fetch spells, immunity to electricity, elemental travel, vulnerability to acid
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +4
Str 7, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 13, Wis
15, Cha 10
Skills (Level
bonus +0): Concentration +5, Knowledge (arcana) +5, Knowledge
(the planes) +5, Stealth +6, Perception +7, Spellcraft +5, Survival +6
Combat CastingB, Weapon Finesse
Any elemental plane
Rating: 1
Often chaotic good
2-3 HD (Tiny); 4-6 HD (Small)
Adjustment: —
This creature resembles a pale-skinned humanoid surrounded
by misty vapors.
Air gens often dwell on the Elemental Plane of Air. Thought
to be related to the djinn, they are often found within djinn cities, although
they travel almost constantly.
Air gens speak one regional language and Auran.
Air gens avoid combat whenever possible. When they must
fight, they slam opponents with their fists.
Air Mastery
(Ex): An airborne creature takes a -1 penalty on attack and
damage rolls against an air gen.
Tiny Outsider (Earth, Spirit, Extraplanar)
HP: 6
HP (1d8+2)
Speed: 20 ft . (4 squares), fly 60 ft . (perfect)
16 (+2 size, +1 Dex, +3 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 15
Base Attack:
CMD/CMB: 14/-8
Slam +5 melee (1d2+1)
Full Attack: 2
slams +5 melee (1d2+1)
2-1/2 ft./0 ft.
Attacks: —
Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft ., earth mastery, elemental endurance,
fetch spells, immunity to acid, elemental travel, vulnerability to electricity
Saves: Fort+3,Ref+3,Will+4
Str 12, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 13, Wis
15, Cha 10
Skills Level
bonus +0): Concentration +5, Knowledge (arcana) +5, Knowledge
(the planes) +5, Perception +6, Stealth +5, Search +5, Spellcraft +5, Survival
Combat Casting, Weapon Finesse
Any elemental plane
Rating: 1
Often chaotic evil
2-3 HD (Tiny); 4-6 HD (Small)
Adjustment: —
This creature resembles a muscular, dusky-skinned humanoid.
Tiny gems stud its skin.
Earth gens usually dwell on the Elemental Plane of
Earth. Thought to be related to the dao, they are often found within dao
cities, although they travel almost constantly.
Earth gens speak one regional language and Terran.
Earth gens avoid combat whenever possible. When they
must fight, they slam opponents with their fists.
Earth Mastery
(Ex): An earth gen gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage
rolls if both it and its foe are touching the ground. If an opponent is
airborne or waterborne, the gen takes a -4 penalty on attack and damage rolls.
(These modifiers are not included in the statistics block.)
Outsider (Spirit, Extraplanar, Fire)
5 hp (1d8+1)
20 ft .
(4 squares), fly 60 ft .
15 (+2 size, +2 Dex, +1 natural), touch 14,
flat-footed 13
Attack/Grapple: +1
CMB: 13/-9
Slam +5 melee (1d2 plus 1 fire)
Attack: 2 slams +5 melee (1d2 plus 1 fire)
2-1/2 ft./0
Attacks: Heat
Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft ., elemental endurance, fetch spells,
immunity to fire, elemental travel, vulnerability to cold
Saves: Fort+2,Ref+4,Will+4
Str 7, Dex
14, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 10
Concentration +4, Knowledge (arcana) +5, Knowledge
(the planes) +5, Perception +5, Stealth +5, Spellcraft +5, Survival +6
Combat Casting, Weapon Finesse
Any elemental plane
Rating: 1
Often neutral evil
2-3 HD (Tiny); 4-6 HD (Small)
Adjustment: —
creature resembles a ruddy-skinned humanoid with hair like crackling flames.
gens can usually be found on the Spirit world, in the Elemental region of Fire.
Thought to be related to the efreet, they are often found within efreeti
cities, although they travel almost constantly.
gens speak one regional language and Ignan.
gens avoid combat whenever possible. When they must fight, they slam opponents
with their fists.
(Ex): A fire gen's red-hot body deals 1 point of extra fire
damage whenever it hits in melee, or in each round that it maintains a hold
while grappling.
Tiny Outsider (Spirit, Aquatic, Extraplanar, Water)
5 hp (1d8+1)
Speed: 20 ft . (4 squares), fly 60 ft . (perfect), swim 20 ft .
14 (+2 size, +1 Dex, +1 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 13
Base Attack:
CMD/ CMB: 14/-9
Slam +5 melee (1d2 plus 1 ice)
Attack: 2 slams +5 melee (1d2 plus 1 ice)
2-1/2 ft./0 ft.
Attacks: —
Qualities: Amphibious, darkvision 60 ft ., elemental endurance,
fetch spells, immunity to cold, elemental travel, vulnerability to fire
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4
Str 7, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 13, Wis
15, Cha 10
Concentration +6, Knowledge (arcana) +5, Knowledge (the planes) +5, Perception +5,
Stealth +5, Spellcraft +5, Survival +6, Swim +6
Combat CastingB, Weapon Finesse
Any elemental plane
Rating: 1/2
Often chaotic neutral
2-3 HD (Tiny); 4-6 HD (Small)
Adjustment: —
This creature resembles a blue-skinned humanoid with hair
like waving seaweed.
Water gens often dwell on the spirit world in the
Elemental regions of Water. Thought to be related to the marids, they are often
found within marid cities, although they travel almost constantly.
Water gens speak one regional language and Aquan.
Water gens avoid combat whenever possible. When they
must fight, they slam opponents with their fists.
(Ex): Although water gens are aquatic, they can survive
indefinitely on land.